Shoulder pain is incredibly common among those who adhere to an active lifestyle. From lifting weights to yoga, you may find yourself with shoulder pain. However, shoulder discomfort can also affect those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. When our joints and tissues are weakened by inactivity, even minor movement can create an imbalance that causes pain.

Your local chiropractor has the resources to relieve your shoulder pain by finding and treating the cause of it. Chiropractors understand the spine and musculoskeletal system (joints and soft tissues), but importantly, they also understand the relationship between them.

This article goes over the following: 

  • Common reasons for shoulder pain
  • Chiropractic solutions to treat shoulder pain
  • Benefits of chiropractic care for shoulder discomfort
  • How to avoid shoulder pain and injuries
  • And more

If your shoulder pain is affecting your routine and ability to perform, read on to learn how chiropractic care can help.

Why Does My Shoulder Hurt?

Whether you sit at a desk for hours a day or travel the globe to compete in CrossFit competitions, shoulder pain can hold you back from your activities, making work and play difficult or impossible.

There are several reasons you may experience shoulder pain, including:

  • Poor posture
  • Improper lifting techniques
  • Improper moving patterns
  • Chronic injury or referred pain (an injury elsewhere that affects the shoulder)
  • A traumatic event such as an auto accident or sports accident
  • Overuse or repetitive use

These habits, events, or lifestyle choices can lead to conditions such as:

  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Sprains and strains
  • Disc herniation
  • Inflammation
  • Scar tissue
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Swimmer’s shoulder
  • Bursitis

These injuries may sound intimidating, but relief is close with the proper chiropractic treatment plan.

Chiropractic Solutions to Treat Shoulder Pain and Injuries

An experienced sports chiropractor will perform an assessment that details how the body is moving, functioning, and performing. Once known, the proper chiropractic techniques will be implemented for safe, effective results.

Chiropractic methods that can help treat shoulder pain and injuries related to shoulder pain include:

  • Manual chiropractic adjustments and spinal manipulation
  • Physiotherapies, such as cold laser, ultrasound, soft tissue therapy, cupping, and more
  • Massage therapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Training 
  • And others

Utilizing chiropractic care for shoulder discomfort offers several benefits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of chiropractic for shoulder pain include:

  • Comprehensive care to find imbalances throughout the body
  • Improved joint and soft tissue health and function
  • Improved shoulder strength, flexibility, and range of motion
  • Improved comfort
  • Improved posture and movement patterns
  • No reliance on pain medication
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Can null the need for surgery
  • A safer and faster healing process
  • Little to no downtime
  • Education to help you stay strong and healthy
  • Improved physical performance

If your goal is to get healthy with the least invasive and most natural form of healthcare, maximize your potential, and live to the fullest, a chiropractic clinic is the place for you.

Visit Total Performance for Shoulder Pain Solutions

Our doctors are prepared to give you the care your body needs to thrive. We offer many chiropractic solutions that treat you comprehensively, ensuring you’re functioning at your best. We will also provide you with the tools to retain your great in-clinic results.

From lifestyle guidance to insight into proactive care, we want you to move with confidence.

Tips to help you prevent shoulder pain include:

  • Make regular stretching and exercise part of your routine
  • Give your shoulder the proper amount of rest
  • Never push through pain
  • Work with a chiropractor, trainer, or therapist at the first signs of discomfort
  • Learn and maintain proper moving patterns, posture, and lifting techniques
  • Get plenty of quality sleep
  • Manage mental stress

If you’d like to learn more about a healthy and pain-free lifestyle, contact us today to schedule your appointment. We’ll help get your shoulder pain controlled by treating the condition and strengthening your body naturally.

Book with our Grants Pass chiropractic clinic.

Book with our Cave Junction chiropractic clinic.